Chipotle roasted sweet potatoes & vegetables
Roasted sweet potatoes, black beans, corn, red bell pepper, entire onion, chipotle & jalapeno pepper, cilantro, cumin, coriander, red chili pepper... over brown rice :)
-Whole Living Magazine
WOW! I love a pair of jeans... but yikes! Just last week I got a "new" pair of designer jeans from Hallelu (on Wrightsville Beach, beside WINGS) for like $45 opposed to the like $200 that they normally cost. They were basically brand new... and actually fit perfect. I am going to have to get all new jeans this year :( and :) ... I put a sad face because money, but happy face because the reason I have to get new ones is because all of mine are huge on me now.
are masters at clearing indoor air...? Who knew! It's the most effective air-purifying species... Whole Living Magazine says to put one (or many) in a bathroom with a window and let the steam from the shower act as a virtual greenhouse. (hmmmm that is pretty neat)
Greenery reduces stress. Studies show the presence of plants significantly eases the recovery of hospital patients & lowers the blood pressure of office workers.

When I "grow-up" aka get married and settle down, I plan ;) to have an office where I can have one wall with the chalkboard paint (for myself) or my kids to play on, a corkboard wall... and yeah I'll stop with my daydreaming... :)
I've suffered from migraines my entire life... yes, even as a child... and completely think that my change in my diet, without a doubt helped me out... especially the dairy/cheese.
Karyn Calabrese, a holistic health expert said "I use coconut oil for everything, without fail. It works as a makeup remover and as an intensive moisturizer. Jojoba Oil is even lighter and keeps oil skin in balance." It's absorbed into the skin instead of sitting on top of the surface, blocking pores and causing breakouts unlike mineral oils.
(I loved hearing this because I myself use coconut oil for ABSOLUTELY everything. Cooking, makeup remover, lotion, EVERYTHING... seriously. There is a glass jar of it right this second in my purse... you can get it at Tidal Creek & Fresh Market in the big containers... not positive about the other places. I'll have to go and get some Jojoba Oil to try out.
-Thought this was interesting because of gluten "deal"-
blueberries - red wine - dark chocolate
2003 Harvard study showed that a 60-90 minute nap, including both slow-wave and REM sleep stages, boosted learning retention as much as a full 8 hours of sleep!
Veggie ppl way: beans, legumes (lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans)
nuts, and seeds (try sunflower & pumpkin)
Almond Butter > Peanut Butter
Almond butter has 60% more monounsaturated fat than peanut butter.
This fat decreases harmful LDL levels, lowering heart-disease and stroke risk.
-Runners World Magazine
Kale > Spinach
Kale > Spinach
Kale contains 4 times more vitamin C and one and a half times
the amount of immune-boosting vitamin A & vitamin K.
Quinoa > Brown Rice
Quinoa has 3 extra grams of protein per cooked cup
plus more fiber, iron & magnesium.
Orange > Apple
Have similar amounts of calories & fiber but oranges have 12 times as much vitamin C.
Red Pepper > Green Pepper
Red Pepper has 8 times the vitamin A
(keeps your immune system strong)
Stole these from their facebook page :) so cute!
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