^Heads up: Dirty but funny^

^Funniest thing ever, also dirty... haha!^
People love us the way we are, and our enemies hate us for the very same reason.
"You have to be unique, and different, and shine in your own way." ~Lady Gaga

Your REAL FRIENDS are there for you when you're down and out.
Do one thing everyday that scares you.
Dance like no one's looking.
To love someone and be loved back is the greatest gift of Life. There is nothing more you could ever ask for.

You're not crazy for wanting to be happy, but its crazy to put up with ppl who don't want u to be happy.
If u want peace, change yourself, not other ppl. Its easier to protect your feet w/ slippers than to carpet the whole earth. - de Mello
Don't pray for a lighter load, pray and work for stronger muscles.
Remain calm when you are in the storm... Its never as bad as you think it is... This too will pass.
If you're not happy now - you won't be happy then because now is all there ever is.
"See every difficulty as a challenge, a stepping stone, and never be defeated by anything or anyone." - Eileen Caddy

Create the life you want, don't let other ppl tell you how or who to be.
We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.
You can choose to see the beauty or the ugly in people... Whatever you choose to see in them is also inside of you.
Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself. - Richard Bach
Sometimes you don't get what you want because you are getting what you need.
"Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you."
"Don't u ever let a soul in the world tell u that u can't be exactly who u are." ~Lady Gaga

"Never hide what u should be wearing w/ pride. Your scars show that u were brave enough to fight for something"
As soon as I'm ready to give up and let go, something happens that makes me hold on just a little while longer.
"Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." -Proverbs 31:29
"I'm raising my bar so high. The men who come my way have to meet it." -Jenny McCarthy
"I've learned that u can't rely on anyone to complete u. U have to be whole first." -Jenny McCarthy
In 2006, we had "lean wit it rock wit it". in 2007, we had the "soulja boy". in 2008, we were doin the "stanky leg". in 2009, we were "jerkin". it is now 2010, and i want you to "teach me how to dougie". :)
If you can dream it, it can be... No doubt about it.
"What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise." - Oscar Wilde

Someday it will all make sense. For now: Trust, let go, & soon enough you will know.
Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into 4 pieces w/ your bare hands & then just eat one of the pieces. - Judith Viorst

When you judge, you leave no room for love — when you love ... you see nothing to judge.
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