Sunday, October 10, 2010

Gluten free info for a friend :)

You can't eat:
You can eat:
Foods made from grains (and grain-like plants) that do notcontain harmful gluten, including: Corn in all forms (corn flour, corn meal, grits,etc.). Rice in all forms (white, brown, basmati and enriched rice). Also amaranth, buckwheat (kasha), Montina, millet, quinoa, teff, sorghum and soy.

Actually! Honestly... gluten free is super easy.
A lot of restaurants have a whole separate menu
just for gluten free customers.

Grocery Store wise... there are TONS of gluten free things!
If you live in Wilmington, two good places to check out are
Lovey's (Landfall Shopping Center)
and Tidal Creek (on Oleander across from Jungle Rapids)

Okay, so it's not that expensive...
if you think about it in terms of... OMG there's so much I can't eat!
You're setting yourself up for failure. But the easiest way to start...
eat more fruits and veggies... REAL food. And then you don't have
to really stress/worry over it.

For pasta if you go to Harris Teeter,
in their pasta section they have a selection of just gluten free pastas...
The brand that I usually get is 'De Boles' and usually the multi-grain
rather than the rice kind, I feel like it's more like... "pasta texture".

Quinoa is good... they actually make pasta too out of it.

If you look on the back of alot of packages they have GF on them,
it's becoming alot more popular, so it's getting much easier.

In Walmart (hell on Earth) they have a gluten free section.

Brown Rice is always a goodie. I eat it like..... nonstop.

"Amy's" the organic brand, has alot of things in the frozen section,
like frozen pizzas and "microwave dinners"

"Van's natural foods" has frozen waffles and frozen french toast sticks.

CORN flour tortillas. Corn tortilla chips.

Annie's & Organicville have some yummy salad dressings
(My favorite is Annie's roasted red pepper dressing.)

It'll be tough in the beginning but it'll be like singing your ABCs in no time.

SO many people have Blogs (like me) about their diet, ideas, etc...
These are GREAT tools to see what other people are doing
and also give you some confidence to branch out!! :)

Just go to google and type "Gluten Free + _______"
and you'll find your answer.

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