Thursday, October 28, 2010

Go ahead, get it over with... smile!

It's amazing how the the human mind does not process the the fact
I used the the word "the" twice each time in this sentence.
I want to take a second to thank everyone who voted for my friend
Danielle Richardet's Our Daily Ocean: A Story of Butts
Check out her blog HERE and see what she's been up to!
Funny/odd things people Google: Click here

^I had to share this... I know, mean, but he DID post it on YOUTUBE^

^Pretty neato^

Heads up... bad language in the following video....

This made me laugh..... haha... kinda stupid but funny.

I ran my first 5K Friday, Oct 29th... it was the Ovarian Cancer Midnight 5K at UNCW.

Ryan, Joe, Aaron & Jeff ran it with me... :) Thanks guys for coming!
-Not the clearest pictures, but you 'get the picture' ha!-

I really loved it. I see a lot of races in my future and hope to
really get on it and do better and better :) I feel silly for wondering
why Pat & Elisabeth run marathons all the time. They give you like
a high! But it's like a good/healthy high! Makes you feel good.
I feel like if I actually TRAINED instead of just showing up and running
that it would be even more intense... because you work and work at
something and then you DO it, and then once you've finished, you feel
so accomplished! I still felt accomplished even though I didn't 'train'
because I went out there and DID IT. I completed it... and I saw a TON
of boys follow in BEHIND me :)

Is it weird that I am FARRRR more competitive when it comes to
guys than girls? Maybe it's from growing up with tons of boys and
being a "tomboy" and closet "girly girl" haha... if you could describe
me in a cartoon drawing it would be a little girl in a karate uniform
wearing heels... with a big doggie on a leash...
a purse in one hand and pair of sneaks in the other :)
oh and my bathingsuit on underneath :) hehe.....

^I listened to this and had a sweet potato a couple hours before^

I did my 2nd 5K Sunday, Nov 7th... I did the 2010 NC Battleship.
Let's just say it was COLD but I'm glad I did it. :)
My lungs are NOT used to the cold weather... after the race
for the next like 36 hours all I did was sneeze... like nonstop. arg.

I stayed the night at Ryan's Saturday night and brought my
sweet potato with me to make Sunday morning, but after
being nauseous all day Saturday and not wanting to eat ANYthing
I could barely force down 1/2 of my sweet potato. blah.

Oh my goodness. Sunday after the race, AND A NAP...
we watched Toy Story 3... and he said I would cry... but
OMG. SO funny and SOOOO sad. I boohoo'd for sure.

Sunday night when Ryan went to the rink, I took Kane with me so I could get him to Stan, but I ended up having him over night (which I loved) hehe... made me want a dog of my own EVEN more. Kane is such a great dog though. Monday after doing the loop with him and cleaning out my car (where he went out and did it with me hehe) I didn't even have to like tell him to not go in the road or like, to not run off... he was so good. AH LOVE IT! :) But anyways, I took him with me to work and the kids LOVED him!

haha... at first Kane wasn't too excited about the new friends :)
Sonja and Charlie kinda scared him at first haha aw
he kept backing up against me like omg, get them away haha
haha... but as you can tell by this picture, he fell in love with them :)
San Francisco BANNED the HAPPY MEAL!
Excellent news, eh? CLICK HERE to read about it :)

"If you don't know what you want, you end up with a lot you don't"
Chuck Palahniuk (Fight Club)

Where is the Zebra? 25 letters after the A, bruh! :)

From @ 's Twitter:
Silk Pumpkin Spice Soy Milk+ Jack Daniels = seasonally delicious

"I'd give you the world if it were mine."

What do you get when you take the "F" out of "way"? ain't no f'in way!

"The Ocean--I love the ocean...I see God in that...
the tranquility, the movement...its musical to me.
When Im near the water, I hear music."
-Lenny Kravitz

"Ah, what we could learn--even if just a little--from the gentle sloth
who slowly, slowly, slowly crawls along a branch of a tree
eats a little, sleeps a lot, and lives in peace."
-Eric Carle

You know your children are growing up when they start asking questions that have answers. - John J. Plomp

"All im sayin is that life is short.
You've got to enjoy your MF'n life.
You gotta enjoy what you have right now,
because you never know what the fuck is goin to happen..."
(Katt Williams)
...I have to say this might be the best thing he's ever said... :)

It just me or are 80% of the ppl in the “ppl u may know”
feature on Facebook ppl that I DO know
but deliberately choose not to be friends with?

I am beginning to measure myself in strength, not pounds.
Sometimes in smiles. :)

Guys who...
still carry bags, open doors, tell their girl that she's beautiful, show respect
...Real Men.

If I were a pilot I would scream
every time I landed the plane.

There are 2 words in a person's life that will open a lot of doors for them:

(630):He's sobering up. It was really bad for like 45 mins.
He cried while tellin me how he pictured us eating hotdogs on the beach together.

(919):All I know is that it's pretty damn mean to put a glass wall in a bar.

(408): I just need to know if he's either really genuine about
being in my life or being in my vagina.

(517): I would bitch about being this hungover,
but honestly im just happy to be alive after this weekend.

Boy you stay up on it You got that something that keeps me so off balance
Baby you're a challenge, lets explore your talent ♥

We're all a little in the dark when it comes to love.
Sometimes you have to run away from it to see it clearly
& sometimes you have to come home to try it again.

Instead of going grocery shopping I might dress up, go trick or treating
and ask for everything I need; paper towels, toothpaste, coffee.

If your life is a series of endless ups and downs, consider a more supportive bra.

Dr. Seuss was a fake name that the author Ted Geisel
started using after he was busted for drinking in college.

The reason we have elections in November is because
that's the best month for picking a turkey.

I'd like to thank
for making me smile and feel better about myself.
"Im having too much fun today; I ain't worried about tomorrow."
-J. Depp in Public Enemies

"Live your life in happiness
even though those around you lead lives which are unhealthy,
and wish to spread their illness to you....
Be Happiness itself."
- Buddha

"I don't know how many times I've stood right here,
and you still don't see me. It may be wrong but
tonight I'm gonna see those city lights, cause it sure
as hell beats lying here, wishin I was on your mind..."

During Saturday morning cartoons,
children see an average of 8 junk food ads per 10 minutes of cartoons.

Dear Customer Service: First of all, you should know that I'm typing this with my middle finger.
It takes 42 muscles to frown & only 4 to extend my middle finger & tell you to bite me...

Mirrors don't talk and lucky for you they don't laugh!

I don't come with dice-so don't play me.

This is an INside joke and your on the OUTside.
Thanks Lauren Horne :)

a whole lotta, buncha, whatevs

So uh...... it's official
Mariah Carey & Nick Cannon are having a baby... poor kid ha!

^ I need this... even though my hair is naturally straight. ha! ^

and if you haven't voted for Danielle yet today, go here!

You guys know I love Eminem... and Weezy :)

This is for the people with Bieber Fever.... hahaha :)

FullScreen" value="true">

^ I had to share... too funny ^

This one below is sad... :( but funny... but super sad. :-\
This is Patrick Dempsey... my neighbor, last year...
Okay, that's a lie, but this is what he wants to say...

Are you voting?

Yeah, I admit... it is kinda sad.
But I fall into this category, because I do watch the show.
And yes, it makes me laugh.

I got these chips @ Harris Teeter last night after my hiphop dance class :)
They were UH-mazing. Yeah, duh... gluten free & vegan.

Cigarettes I picked up around ONLY 3 apartment buildings in The Reserves.
Pisses me off.

^ Just thought this was extremely appropriate ^

WOW some people are just... sad... ridiculous...
Click here to read about the Arkansas School Board Member
that said that gay students should "GET AIDS AND DIE"

I think this is incredible...

Dear Victoria's Secret Holiday Catalog,

I can always count on you for motivation.

♥ Bless you.

On that note.... HAHAHA...

MMMMmmm... pizza that Ryan and I ordered the other night from Mellow Mushroom, soooooo good... of course Gluten Free & Vegan. You can get Mellow Mushroom delivered to you in Wilmington by Surfside Takeout Express.

If you've never been to Tidal Creek or looked at their website

you should click HERE and take a lookie :)


It's not very common to find someone that is


but I live to make life interesting hehe... oh but the point of making

that statement (I am SO ADHD)... is that I found a good website for Vegiacs.

hahaha this is freaking cute.

I goodie that Lauren Horne found on Textsfromlastnight.

"(516): There are going to be so many Snookis this Halloween that I might

just dress as the guy that hit her and punch them all in the face"

Thanks for this Kailee... :)

"You can explore the universe looking for somebody who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and you will not find that person anywhere"

hahaha... I just think this is HILARIOUS...

omg this too.... hahaha... bad language FYI...


Oh, and I love this.....
My favorite part starts at 13:30