^That picture makes me smile, hope it does the same for you^

See what you get!
Look below to see my score!

The number of facebook friends you have means something?

"If a girl can put up with you through your worst days,
& still stick with you & all your bullshit,
then its kind of obvious that you shouldnt let her go."
(Saw this on Twitter and loved it.)
More Than 700 Billion YouTube Videos Were Viewed in 2010.

^Is it just me, or does that just look odd?^
Is it weird that just LOOKING at a burger,
that I feel icky and... fat.
I think it is great they are incorporating veggies at Burger King
but I think it's... I don't know. You make your own opinion on it.
I didn't think I liked brussels sprouts until Thanksgiving when Danielle Richardet had made them and I tried them. Let me tell you... THEY ARE AWESOME! What in heavens is the big stink about them anyways? Why do so many people rag on them? Maybe people just listen to what others say, and they haven't actually tried them for themselves?? That's what I'd guess. I made them for the kids (Bishop family) and they LOVED them. I was so pleased!!
In the United States, over 3,000 deaths per year from lung cancer
are due to secondhand smoke.
Pretty stinkin' cool....
Beware this one made me dizzy...

You know Hobbes...some days even wearing my lucky rocket ship underwear doesn't help.
-Calvin & Hobbes
You know your children are growing up when they start asking questions that have answers.
- John J. Plomp

Do you recognize the girl in the photo below?

She died. 28 years old.
"Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
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