So I have decided to do the Wrightsville Beach Half Marathon on March 20th... I know it seems like a long ways away, but it has to be for ME to be ready... I haven't been running or doing any REAL strenuous exercise lately... so I kinda believe I'll be starting from scratch... I might do a couple 5Ks and 10Ks leading up to it just to do them, and have themunder my belt, since I haaave only done 2 5Ks EVER. I wish it wasn't so cold outside but I guess it's better than being sweltering hot outside? Right? Ek. Anywho! If anyone is interested in joining me, VOLUNTEERING, or just wants to check out more info for the heck of it, look at the links posted below.... :)
February 4-6th Ryan is going to be competing in the CrossFit Garage Games in Georgia. Oh and then it's Valentine's Day, wow first time I'm actually looking forward to it :)
But back to what I was talking about, haha... I'm really so proud of him! If you didn't know he won CrossFit Wilmington's “Not Normal / Give Yourself Abs for Christmas” contest!
Ryan dropped 22lbs… from 192lbs
BEFORE Picture:

down to 170!
After Picture:

He worked really hard for it and really deserved it. :)
Proof that it's ALL about HOW BAD YOU WANT IT! ...Seriously!
He looks good huh? Back off ladies ;)
So now that I'm looking at my calendar,
I can't believe this year is about to be over,
which reminds me... NEW YEARS... New Years Resolution...!!
Do you know what my New Years Resolution was last year?
I became a veggie head hehe... best decision ever I have to say.
This past year I have been blessed in so many ways... and I'm very thankful.
My New Years Resolution this year is going to be more like a promise to myself, and a goal, because who writes the rules on what you can say is your New Years Resolution?!?!
But my promise to myself is to work on how much trash/recycling I make. Confused? Don't be. Danielle Richardet that you've heard me mention before, the one that writes the blog It Starts With Me that has inspired me in countless ways to change things I never would have thought about, keeps track of her plastic use...
Mind you, I do always consider the packaging that my foods come in, and I don't use plastic bags, and I do recycle, and wash and keep all of my plastic containers, yadda yadda yadda... BUT there is ALWAYS more that I can do. I want to start decreasing the purchase of the products that DO come in the plastic packaging, because WHO needs 438957348957893 plastic containers?!
No one.
I recycle every itty bitty piece of anything possible that you can recycle and sometimes go into peoples trash (that I babysit for... please don't judge me) and I take out things that could easily be recycled that they maybe just didn't think about.
Okay, yeah and then my goal to myself is the Half Marathon... :)
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