On April 9th 2011, Ryan and I ran the...
Tarheel 10 Miler

in Chapel Hill, NC
Ryan's friend Dan, that just recently got accepted into UNC
for grad school (WooHoo! How exciting?) also ran with us!

Results: I ran the 10 miler in 1 hour 45 minutes.
It's been 3 days since the race and my knee is still hurting but let me stress that it hurt 348957938475 times more Saturday night and Sunday. I couldn't even run to the car from the restaurant. (Even in the pouring rain!!! hahaha) I think it was so bad because I'm not used to running on concrete for that long. This was my 2nd longest race to date.

“Success isn't how far you got, but the distance
you traveled from where you started.”

Ryan and Kane Sunday (4/10/12)

Kane is sooooo spoiled.
Hey, I ran the 10 miler too. I never have knee issues but all that downhill fried my knees! Good job out there, That was a tough course!