So I've made a big change this year! I'm a vegan! I eat all types of "weird" stuff hahahaha... kidding! I LOVE it all. My biggest complaint so far is cream cheese because I love it on a bagel in the morning. I've tried two different kinds of VEGAN cream cheese and they just don't taste like regular cream cheese :( so that sucks... I think I just need to develop a taste for it... or I could just replace it with something else! I have been using this strawberry jam, and also almond butter. OMG ALMOND BUTTER is amazing!!!!
I've lost 10 pounds since Jan 14th! I have to say... I'm eating more than I ever have... and I've lost weight. SO weird right? But it's because I'm eating GOOD stuff :) hehe!
I have to work @ 245 today, so I'm trying to decide on what to make to eat for lunch. That's another thing that I've really changed lately... is I COOK A LOT! I used to eat out ALL the time. But I really think that is where you pack on the weight because they put SO much CRAP in food. Seriously. You order something and you think it's the healthy option but seriously... half of the stuff you think is healthy... even like the veggies sometimes... they're LOADED with BUTTER!
I have LIVED in the grocery store lately. No, seriously! I'm at one everyday! Getting things here and there that I read about and want to try! It's all so yummy!
It's so funny, because before I switched over ;) to being a VEGAN, I would hear that word.. and think, they must be a hippy, or some kind of weirdo because they can't eat like ANYTHING... silly but yeah, that's the truth. But really, it's not that way at all. I can eat A LOT of stuff. I can eat bagels and whatever too. It just takes me 30 seconds longer for each item in the grocery store because I check the ingredients to make sure it's whole wheat, not packed with sugar, doesn't contain milk, cheese, and what not... I mean like there's all this stuff that I would walk by... like hm, Graham Crackers... and be like oh man if I bought those and ate a few each day, I'd turn into a cow... UM NO! Wrong! They're VEGAN and actually quite good for you. Silly me! :) hehe!
If you have not yet read "Skinny Bitch" then I don't know what you are waiting for. For one, it's HILARIOUS!!!!! AND it explains ALL of our foods to us. It's awesome! Even if you don't want to be a VEGAN it's really cool to learn where our foods come from, and what is good for us! A couple minor tweaks, and you could really do your body some good!
Okay, well I'm off here! I'm going to watch the rest of "The Doctors" and think of what new thing I want to cook for lunch since I got all kinds of new stuff that I've never tried :)