Friday, December 31, 2010

Your body creates 2.4 million red blood cells every SECOND!
Details -->

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." - Anais Nin

"All great achievements require time." - Maya Angelou

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - Shakespeare
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Thursday, December 30, 2010

See The Beauty In Everything...

^That picture makes me smile, hope it does the same for you^

See what you get!
Look below to see my score!

The number of facebook friends you have means something?

"If a girl can put up with you through your worst days,
& still stick with you & all your bullshit,
then its kind of obvious that you shouldnt let her go."
(Saw this on Twitter and loved it.)

More Than 700 Billion YouTube Videos Were Viewed in 2010.

^Is it just me, or does that just look odd?^
Is it weird that just LOOKING at a burger,
that I feel icky and... fat.
I think it is great they are incorporating veggies at Burger King
but I think it's... I don't know. You make your own opinion on it.

I didn't think I liked brussels sprouts until Thanksgiving when Danielle Richardet had made them and I tried them. Let me tell you... THEY ARE AWESOME! What in heavens is the big stink about them anyways? Why do so many people rag on them? Maybe people just listen to what others say, and they haven't actually tried them for themselves?? That's what I'd guess. I made them for the kids (Bishop family) and they LOVED them. I was so pleased!!

In the United States, over 3,000 deaths per year from lung cancer
are due to secondhand smoke.

Pretty stinkin' cool....

Beware this one made me dizzy...

You know Hobbes...some days even wearing my lucky rocket ship underwear doesn't help.
-Calvin & Hobbes

You know your children are growing up when they start asking questions that have answers.
- John J. Plomp

Do you recognize the girl in the photo below?

She died. 28 years old.

‎"Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's been a while...

So I have decided to do the Wrightsville Beach Half Marathon on March 20th... I know it seems like a long ways away, but it has to be for ME to be ready... I haven't been running or doing any REAL strenuous exercise lately... so I kinda believe I'll be starting from scratch... I might do a couple 5Ks and 10Ks leading up to it just to do them, and have themunder my belt, since I haaave only done 2 5Ks EVER. I wish it wasn't so cold outside but I guess it's better than being sweltering hot outside? Right? Ek. Anywho! If anyone is interested in joining me, VOLUNTEERING, or just wants to check out more info for the heck of it, look at the links posted below.... :)

February 4-6th Ryan is going to be competing in the CrossFit Garage Games in Georgia. Oh and then it's Valentine's Day, wow first time I'm actually looking forward to it :)

But back to what I was talking about, haha... I'm really so proud of him! If you didn't know he won CrossFit Wilmington's “Not Normal / Give Yourself Abs for Christmas” contest!

Ryan dropped 22lbs… from 192lbs
BEFORE Picture:

down to 170!
After Picture:

He worked really hard for it and really deserved it. :)
Proof that it's ALL about HOW BAD YOU WANT IT! ...Seriously!
He looks good huh? Back off ladies ;)

So now that I'm looking at my calendar,
I can't believe this year is about to be over,
which reminds me... NEW YEARS... New Years Resolution...!!

Do you know what my New Years Resolution was last year?
I became a veggie head hehe... best decision ever I have to say.
This past year I have been blessed in so many ways... and I'm very thankful.

My New Years Resolution this year is going to be more like a promise to myself, and a goal, because who writes the rules on what you can say is your New Years Resolution?!?!

But my promise to myself is to work on how much trash/recycling I make. Confused? Don't be. Danielle Richardet that you've heard me mention before, the one that writes the blog It Starts With Me that has inspired me in countless ways to change things I never would have thought about, keeps track of her plastic use...

Mind you, I do always consider the packaging that my foods come in, and I don't use plastic bags, and I do recycle, and wash and keep all of my plastic containers, yadda yadda yadda... BUT there is ALWAYS more that I can do. I want to start decreasing the purchase of the products that DO come in the plastic packaging, because WHO needs 438957348957893 plastic containers?!

No one.

I recycle every itty bitty piece of anything possible that you can recycle and sometimes go into peoples trash (that I babysit for... please don't judge me) and I take out things that could easily be recycled that they maybe just didn't think about.

Okay, yeah and then my goal to myself is the Half Marathon... :)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Vegan Egg Nog

1 1/2 cups Vanilla Almond Milk
1 can Coconut Milk
1-2 Tbs Maple Syrup
2 tsp Molasses
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg

Mix in blend and serve chilled.

You can adjust the spices for taste and maple syrup for sweetness.
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Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Events in Mayfaire :)

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Early Christmas Present For Myself: 3 Cookbooks

These are the 3 new cookbooks I ordered... for myself

for my early "Christmas present" :)

^This cookbook "Skinny Bitch" reminded me of my 2 favorite books...
so I had to give it a shot!



Beach Access Adoption

Going To Adopt A Beach Access At Wrightsville Beach!
Beach Access Map

The available accesses at this time are: 5, 6, 7, 18, 19, 20, and 24

I was hoping to get #35 because it is closest to Ryan's house
& would be most accessible to me... but oh well!

Ryan's sister Danielle Richardet from It Starts With Me adopted access #36!

Hmmm... which one to adopt?!

Props to James Bain for his first "Beach Trash Run"
You may think that this isn't a lot for his beach trash run... but...
If EVERYONE picked up a couple things... we'd REALLY get somewhere :)
Good job JB!

Friday, November 26, 2010

cute ideas

Thinking about Christmas... and gifts...

Recycled Gifts for her

I love these... protect our Earth recycled glasses

Eco Friendly Gifts

Another cool site... Pure Citizen


Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Ring I got today @ Hallelu, on Wrightsville Beach next to WINGS!

"Maybe being grateful is recognizing what you have for what it is, appreciating small victories, admiring the struggle it takes to simply be human. Maybe we're thankful for the familiar things we know and maybe we're thankful for the things we will never know. At the end of the day the fact that we have the courage to still be standing is reason enough to celebrate."
-Grey's Anatomy

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Go ahead, get it over with... smile!

It's amazing how the the human mind does not process the the fact
I used the the word "the" twice each time in this sentence.
I want to take a second to thank everyone who voted for my friend
Danielle Richardet's Our Daily Ocean: A Story of Butts
Check out her blog HERE and see what she's been up to!
Funny/odd things people Google: Click here

^I had to share this... I know, mean, but he DID post it on YOUTUBE^

^Pretty neato^

Heads up... bad language in the following video....

This made me laugh..... haha... kinda stupid but funny.

I ran my first 5K Friday, Oct 29th... it was the Ovarian Cancer Midnight 5K at UNCW.

Ryan, Joe, Aaron & Jeff ran it with me... :) Thanks guys for coming!
-Not the clearest pictures, but you 'get the picture' ha!-

I really loved it. I see a lot of races in my future and hope to
really get on it and do better and better :) I feel silly for wondering
why Pat & Elisabeth run marathons all the time. They give you like
a high! But it's like a good/healthy high! Makes you feel good.
I feel like if I actually TRAINED instead of just showing up and running
that it would be even more intense... because you work and work at
something and then you DO it, and then once you've finished, you feel
so accomplished! I still felt accomplished even though I didn't 'train'
because I went out there and DID IT. I completed it... and I saw a TON
of boys follow in BEHIND me :)

Is it weird that I am FARRRR more competitive when it comes to
guys than girls? Maybe it's from growing up with tons of boys and
being a "tomboy" and closet "girly girl" haha... if you could describe
me in a cartoon drawing it would be a little girl in a karate uniform
wearing heels... with a big doggie on a leash...
a purse in one hand and pair of sneaks in the other :)
oh and my bathingsuit on underneath :) hehe.....

^I listened to this and had a sweet potato a couple hours before^

I did my 2nd 5K Sunday, Nov 7th... I did the 2010 NC Battleship.
Let's just say it was COLD but I'm glad I did it. :)
My lungs are NOT used to the cold weather... after the race
for the next like 36 hours all I did was sneeze... like nonstop. arg.

I stayed the night at Ryan's Saturday night and brought my
sweet potato with me to make Sunday morning, but after
being nauseous all day Saturday and not wanting to eat ANYthing
I could barely force down 1/2 of my sweet potato. blah.

Oh my goodness. Sunday after the race, AND A NAP...
we watched Toy Story 3... and he said I would cry... but
OMG. SO funny and SOOOO sad. I boohoo'd for sure.

Sunday night when Ryan went to the rink, I took Kane with me so I could get him to Stan, but I ended up having him over night (which I loved) hehe... made me want a dog of my own EVEN more. Kane is such a great dog though. Monday after doing the loop with him and cleaning out my car (where he went out and did it with me hehe) I didn't even have to like tell him to not go in the road or like, to not run off... he was so good. AH LOVE IT! :) But anyways, I took him with me to work and the kids LOVED him!

haha... at first Kane wasn't too excited about the new friends :)
Sonja and Charlie kinda scared him at first haha aw
he kept backing up against me like omg, get them away haha
haha... but as you can tell by this picture, he fell in love with them :)
San Francisco BANNED the HAPPY MEAL!
Excellent news, eh? CLICK HERE to read about it :)

"If you don't know what you want, you end up with a lot you don't"
Chuck Palahniuk (Fight Club)

Where is the Zebra? 25 letters after the A, bruh! :)

From @ 's Twitter:
Silk Pumpkin Spice Soy Milk+ Jack Daniels = seasonally delicious

"I'd give you the world if it were mine."

What do you get when you take the "F" out of "way"? ain't no f'in way!

"The Ocean--I love the ocean...I see God in that...
the tranquility, the movement...its musical to me.
When Im near the water, I hear music."
-Lenny Kravitz

"Ah, what we could learn--even if just a little--from the gentle sloth
who slowly, slowly, slowly crawls along a branch of a tree
eats a little, sleeps a lot, and lives in peace."
-Eric Carle

You know your children are growing up when they start asking questions that have answers. - John J. Plomp

"All im sayin is that life is short.
You've got to enjoy your MF'n life.
You gotta enjoy what you have right now,
because you never know what the fuck is goin to happen..."
(Katt Williams)
...I have to say this might be the best thing he's ever said... :)

It just me or are 80% of the ppl in the “ppl u may know”
feature on Facebook ppl that I DO know
but deliberately choose not to be friends with?

I am beginning to measure myself in strength, not pounds.
Sometimes in smiles. :)

Guys who...
still carry bags, open doors, tell their girl that she's beautiful, show respect
...Real Men.

If I were a pilot I would scream
every time I landed the plane.

There are 2 words in a person's life that will open a lot of doors for them:

(630):He's sobering up. It was really bad for like 45 mins.
He cried while tellin me how he pictured us eating hotdogs on the beach together.

(919):All I know is that it's pretty damn mean to put a glass wall in a bar.

(408): I just need to know if he's either really genuine about
being in my life or being in my vagina.

(517): I would bitch about being this hungover,
but honestly im just happy to be alive after this weekend.

Boy you stay up on it You got that something that keeps me so off balance
Baby you're a challenge, lets explore your talent ♥

We're all a little in the dark when it comes to love.
Sometimes you have to run away from it to see it clearly
& sometimes you have to come home to try it again.

Instead of going grocery shopping I might dress up, go trick or treating
and ask for everything I need; paper towels, toothpaste, coffee.

If your life is a series of endless ups and downs, consider a more supportive bra.

Dr. Seuss was a fake name that the author Ted Geisel
started using after he was busted for drinking in college.

The reason we have elections in November is because
that's the best month for picking a turkey.

I'd like to thank
for making me smile and feel better about myself.
"Im having too much fun today; I ain't worried about tomorrow."
-J. Depp in Public Enemies

"Live your life in happiness
even though those around you lead lives which are unhealthy,
and wish to spread their illness to you....
Be Happiness itself."
- Buddha

"I don't know how many times I've stood right here,
and you still don't see me. It may be wrong but
tonight I'm gonna see those city lights, cause it sure
as hell beats lying here, wishin I was on your mind..."

During Saturday morning cartoons,
children see an average of 8 junk food ads per 10 minutes of cartoons.

Dear Customer Service: First of all, you should know that I'm typing this with my middle finger.
It takes 42 muscles to frown & only 4 to extend my middle finger & tell you to bite me...

Mirrors don't talk and lucky for you they don't laugh!

I don't come with dice-so don't play me.

This is an INside joke and your on the OUTside.
Thanks Lauren Horne :)